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1: American Federation of Teachers: Selma Borchardt Collection [preliminary description] (1911 - 1967)
Repository NameWayne State University, Walter P. Reuther Library (preliminary)
Collection Size89 linear feet
Collection Description Selma Borchardt (1895-1968) was born in Washington, DC. She received a BS degree in Education from Syracuse University in 1919, and an AB in 1922. In 1937, she ...
2: American Jewish Congress Records (1916 - 2005)
Repository NameCenter for Jewish History, American Jewish Historical Society
Collection Sizeca. 750 linear feet
Collection Description The American Jewish Congress was founded in 1918 by a group of Jewish American leaders as an umbrella structure for Jewish organizations to represent the American ...
3: American Montessori Society Records [preliminary description] (1907 - 2015)
Repository NameUniversity of Connecticut Library, Archives and Special Collections [preliminary]
Collection Size76 linear feet
Collection Description Maria Montessori (1870-1952), the first woman in Italy to receive a medical degree from the University of Rome, developed her theories of education at the ...
4: Anti-Catholic Pamphlets (1845 - 1853)
Repository NameNew Jersey Historical Society
Collection Size2 items
Collection Description The Society holds two anti-Catholic pamphlets by members of the Newark clergy. Ansel Doane Eddy (1798-1875) was pastor of Newark’s First Presbyterian Church from 1835 ...
5: Archbishop James Roosevelt Bayley Papers [preliminary description] (1856 - 1877)
Repository NameSt. Mary's Seminary and University, Archives of the Archdiocese of Baltimore [preliminary]
Collection Size4.5 document cases
Collection Description James Roosevelt Bayley (1814-1877) was born at Rye, NY. Initially ordained as an Episcopal minister, he was appointed rector of an Episcopal Church in Harlem. ...
6: Archdiocesan Expansion Program Records (1960 - 1963)
Repository NameSeton Hall University, Msgr. William Noe Field Archives and Special Collections Center
Collection Size1 box
Collection Description In late 1960 Archbishop Thomas A. Boland launched a $25,000,000 Expansion Campaign for the Archdiocese of Newark. The money, to be raised by clergy and volunteers in ...
7: Archdiocesan Institute of Sacred Music (1932 - 1960s)
Repository NameSeton Hall University, Msgr. William Noe Field Archives and Special Collections Center
Collection Size1.75 linear feet (3 boxes)
Collection Description The Archdiocesan Institute of Sacred Music was founded in 1932, with the support of Bishop Walsh, to encourage, expand, and improve the study and provision of ...
8: Archdiocese of Newark 125th Anniversary Records (1977 - 1988)
Repository NameSeton Hall University, Msgr. William Noe Field Archives and Special Collections Center
Collection Size0.5 linear feet (1 box)
Collection Description The Diocese of Newark was founded in 1853 and was elevated to an Archdiocese in 1937. In 1978 the Archdiocese celebrated its 125th anniversary with a mass at ...
9: Carl [Charles Curtis, Jr.] McIntire Manuscript Collection (1925 - 1998)
Repository NamePrinceton Theological Seminary Library, Special Collections [preliminary]
Collection Size669 Boxes (650 linear feet)
Collection Description Carl [Charles Curtis, Jr.] McIntire was born in Ypsilanti, Michigan on May 17, 1906. His father, Charles Curtis McIntire, was a 1904 graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary. Prevented ...
10: Carol J. Jablonski Papers [preliminary description] (1937 - 1991)
Repository NameUniversity of Notre Dame Archives [preliminary]
Collection Size2 linear feet
Collection Description Carol J. Jablonski was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech Communication at Indiana University, Bloomington, when she conducted studies of the pastoral letters ...