Welcome to the Newark Archives Project (NAP)
The Newark (N.J.) Archives Project is your comprehensive online source of information about primary materials for all periods and all aspects of Newark history, from Colonial times to the 21st Century. Co-sponsored by the Newark History Society and Rutgers University-Newark, the Project cooperates closely with the staffs of the many libraries and archives it surveys. We are creating detailed descriptions of Newark-related material, both catalogued and un-catalogued, located in repositories in Newark, in New Jersey and New York, and ultimately throughout the United States. We survey papers of individuals and families; records of government agencies, organizations, and businesses; photographs and film; audio collections; microfilm editions; digital resources; unpublished texts and indexes, and more. We don’t survey art work, theses and dissertations, and the many types of published materials that are generally available in library catalogues (for example, newspapers and pamphlets).
Our database of collection descriptions is constantly growing. You can search our detailed descriptions of Newark content in several thousand archival collections by keyword, by name, by subject, and by time-period. click here
To see a list of libraries and archives surveyed to date click here

The Newark Archives Project is grateful for several Project grants and ongoing encouragement from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State.